Angry About the Objection

SuperDoc is Angry.

Hang on there, Dr. Superdoc. No need to take this, or anything else you hear in court, personally!

The court has a number of rules about what various witnesses are and are not allowed to say in court. The rules, which you do not need to know or remember, get very complicated. Sometimes a witness is only allowed to say certain things after saying other things, or in response to a specific type of question. An objection simply means that a lawyer fears that one of those rules is about to be broken.

The judge didn’t appreciate your angry outburst. And getting admonished by the judge, in front of the jury, makes it difficult to feel, or look, like an expert through the remainder of your testimony.

Why don’t you try again?

“I’m so sorry. Did I say something wrong?”

Keep on talking until the judge tells you to stop.

Wait quietly while the lawyers argue.